Monday, February 8, 2010


Well well well....another day another stress! I had a great week. Minus the bomb threat at Cal State Northridge (Thankfully, I was at work!) Apparently someone stated there was a bomb on CSUN's campus in one of the parking structures. They closed and evacuated campus for a day and that was that. That kinda freaked me out a little bit. I mean we hear of violence within schools and think how horrible, but when it actually happens to your school, it really hits home. I seriously did not want to come to school today. I would totally rather work!!!! And speaking of work, I think that I had the longest week ever, i was actually quite busy at work. Had a couple of mishaps, but who wouldn't after getting up at 4:45 and going to school and then working a full day. That, I thought would drop me flat, but I am a Berman RIGHT* So I sucked it up, pulled through and made it work!!!! (Thanks Tim Gunn).
In lighter news.....I was qualified for the final round of consideration at Cal State Long Beach, so i hopefully won't have to get up at 4:45 on Mondays and
Wednesdays. I should only have 2 more semesters after th
is cur
rent one and that thought gets me through many many days! I love life and what I do, but, I am so ready to be finished with school! I am being worked to the bone and can't wait to get my degree. I have been working on weddings and my usual clients and friends and family. I am trying to get into doing bridal hair and events of the sort. I love the flurry of goings on and the rush to beautify and the final result just takes my breath away!

This is Megan and her husband Mark from their Wedding on the Queen Mary January 9, 2010!

I was able to do the entire Bridal party, the Bride and both the mother of the bride and the mother of the groom. It was such a beautiful day and a beautiful event! I hope that I am able to do more events of the like! SO MUCH FUN*****

And Speaking of hilariousness, did anyone see the DORITOS super bowl commercials? Seriously, the others could not keep up, doritos knocked it out of the park! And GO SAINTS!!!! Way to spank the Colts.......And after being down in the first quarter!!!! WAY 2 GO*** I could not have picked a better game for the super bowl, seeing as I love both teams but thankfully my saints took the title! So Shockey, Brees and Bush You boys kicked some serious bootay*** THANK YOU***** I could not be happier! And speaking of happy.............6 dayz until our 1 year anniversary.....who would have thought that after a year I would still have my honey! Well well well.....I can only imagine what the year hold after what 2009 has already brought us! I hope this year ushers in much new and exciting events whose memories last for many years to come! I love you all and miss you like crazy! Talk to you all soon!!!!!!!!!


  1. You busy woman, you!!! So what is your degree in?? Keep it up... it is worth it! You rock!

  2. I am getting my bachelors in english- - creative writing! Absolutely crazy but totally worth it! You look fabulous and it seems like everything in your world is great!!!!! I MISS YOU LADY*

  3. what are you going to do once you have your degree? Any specific plans?

  4. write books!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
